spokesman Ereditato Antonio, who works at the Center for Particle Physics CERN
on the border of France and Switzerland, told Reuters that during the
three-year experiment showed that the measurement of the neutrino beam that was
fired from Geneva came to 730 km away, the Gran Sasso in Italy 60 nanoseconds
faster than light speed. He said that they have a lot of confidence in these
results, but it is necessary to test and other colleagues and confirm them.
If it is confirmed, this discovery would undermine a key element of the General Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein in 1905, which states that nothing in the universe can travel faster than light.
Unexpected results were recorded in the OPERA project, jointly conducted by CERN and Gran Sasso Laboratory in central Italy.
During the three-year experiment a total of 15 thousand beams of neutrinos - tiny subatomic particles like electrons but with no electric charge - were fired at CERN to Gran Sasso, where they were caught by a special detector.
For this distance, light speed would need about 2.4 thousandths of a second, but neutrinos should need about 60 nanoseconds or less. Ereditato said that it's a tiny difference, but it is conceptually very important. This discovery is so incredible that so far all we have to do is be very careful. He did not want to speculate what would mean for physics if physicists and other measurements would be confirmed by OPERA. He said that he just does not want to think about the implications, that they are scientists and they work with what they know.
The existence of neutrinos, elementary particles of extremely low mass resulting radioactive decay or nuclear reactions such as those in the Sun, was first confirmed in 1934 , but these particles are still puzzling scientists. Neutrino can pass completely unnoticed and undetected through most substances, including the human body, millions of these particles go through it every day, as the researchers said.
To get to the Gran Sasso underground laboratory 120 km south of Rome, neutrinos that were fired at CERN had to cross the 730 km through water, air and rock.
Laboratory of Gran Sasso underground laboratory is the largest laboratory for exploring the world of subatomic particles. It employs around 750 scientists from 22 countries, and carrying out experiments in three large halls protected from cosmic rays 1400 meters below the surface (Metroportal).
In fact, in 1932, Nikola Tesla knew about the particles faster than light. He said that all of his research appears to suggest that there are small particles, each of which carries a small charge so that they can rightly be called neutrons. They are moving at high speed, greater even than the speed of light.
If it is confirmed, this discovery would undermine a key element of the General Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein in 1905, which states that nothing in the universe can travel faster than light.
Unexpected results were recorded in the OPERA project, jointly conducted by CERN and Gran Sasso Laboratory in central Italy.
During the three-year experiment a total of 15 thousand beams of neutrinos - tiny subatomic particles like electrons but with no electric charge - were fired at CERN to Gran Sasso, where they were caught by a special detector.
For this distance, light speed would need about 2.4 thousandths of a second, but neutrinos should need about 60 nanoseconds or less. Ereditato said that it's a tiny difference, but it is conceptually very important. This discovery is so incredible that so far all we have to do is be very careful. He did not want to speculate what would mean for physics if physicists and other measurements would be confirmed by OPERA. He said that he just does not want to think about the implications, that they are scientists and they work with what they know.
The existence of neutrinos, elementary particles of extremely low mass resulting radioactive decay or nuclear reactions such as those in the Sun, was first confirmed in 1934 , but these particles are still puzzling scientists. Neutrino can pass completely unnoticed and undetected through most substances, including the human body, millions of these particles go through it every day, as the researchers said.
To get to the Gran Sasso underground laboratory 120 km south of Rome, neutrinos that were fired at CERN had to cross the 730 km through water, air and rock.
Laboratory of Gran Sasso underground laboratory is the largest laboratory for exploring the world of subatomic particles. It employs around 750 scientists from 22 countries, and carrying out experiments in three large halls protected from cosmic rays 1400 meters below the surface (Metroportal).
In fact, in 1932, Nikola Tesla knew about the particles faster than light. He said that all of his research appears to suggest that there are small particles, each of which carries a small charge so that they can rightly be called neutrons. They are moving at high speed, greater even than the speed of light.
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