Thursday 13 December 2012

Future Modern Technologies


Modern technology is advancing so fast, that the present invention may become outdated. In the next ten years is expected to be much progress in the technology field, which will spawn the incredible inventions which previous generations could only dream of. See what inventions will be made available to us over the next decades         

The 2012. year 


          Ultrabook is considered a successor to the iPad, and soon it will become available for around 700 euros. This device would have to replace the classical books printed on paper. 

Laboratory on Mars 
          By August of 2012. latest mission will travel to the surface of Mars and begin the tests to determine if there are some conditions for the life of any organism. The mission will cost about 1.6 billion euros.

Paralyzed people will walk
          Scientists are currently working on the design of the system impulse that could help paralyzed people to control their limbs via brain. The same system is used by the military, but the project is progressing slowly because it requires a lot of money.        

The 2013. year 

4G as a new standard         

          All mobile phones will function according to 4G, which means that the downloading go equally fast as the computer. Thus, the Internet will become available over the phone even to more consumers.

The telescope of a billion pixels  
          The telescope of a billion pixels, entitled "The Eye of Gaia" will be directed towards the universe to begin photographing and mapping the universe. This telescope will be able to reach out beyond our galaxy.

The 2014. year 

SD memory card of one terabyte        

          Number of data exchange via computers is increasing, so we need even more memory. Therefore, it is unrealistic to anticipate a memory card that will be able to store the data size of up to one terabyte.        

The most advanced ship that breaks the ice

          One of the goals of scientific development of the European Union is the most advanced ship design that will be able to break glaciers and collect data on the temperature. This is particularly important because of the unforeseen consequences of global warming.    

The 2015. year 

The first sustainable city    

          Outside Abu Dhabi will be built the first sustainable city, which will only draw energy from the sun and other sources that are self-regenerating. It is expected that the city will settle more than 50 thousand people.

3D printing        

          The option of printing three-dimensional images at this time is reserved for those with deep pockets, but this service will become more affordable in the future. Anyone will be able to print a 3D image in their home.       

The 2016. year 

The development of space tourism      

          In the next few years provides a rapid development of space tourism and space tourist visits. One such flight now costs between 15 and 20 million, and predicted that the price will start to fall.

The rebirth of a mammoth

          Scientists from the Japan Center for Developmental Biology, argue that it is possible to create genetically extinct species, such as the mammoth.

The 2017. year 

Laser pen that heals wounds      

          If it happens that you cut yourself and there is no one near you, you no longer have to worry. First aid you can provide yourself without the assistance of others, thanks to a portable laser pen that heal wounds.

The 2018. year 

Insect-sized robots spies     

          The U.S. military is already working on designing a miniature spy robots, which would be the approximate average size of the fly. Secret weapon of these insect-robots is that it will be resistant to spray for bugs.         

The 2019. year 

The computer with the power of the human brain        

          According to the estimates of scientists, we are on the brink of developing artificial intelligence. Computers in a few years will be able to handle data apparently equal to the speed and power as the human brain.        

The 2020. year 

Cars resistant to crashing  

          The company "Volvo" promises to design a special kind of car that is resistant to impact. It will work with a radar and alarm system, and if it's successfully implemented, it will save many lives.  

2021. year         

What can we expect in the 2021. year? This no one knows so far. What we do know is that in the next decade technology will have very fast and unstoppable progress.

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